Sunday, May 27, 2012

Numbers are In.

Seemed perfectly appropriate to update my numbers on Day 30 of my challenge. 

To preface, I am still absolutely loving my nutrition plan with Herbalife. 

My routine has remained the same these past five weeks. I have been drinking my shakes twice a day, consuming much more tea than coffee, and supplementing meals with two multivitamins. 

My meals have become more protein enriched and enhanced, as I have scouted out lunches, snacks, and dinners that involve turkey, fish, lean meats, nuts, greek yogurt, vegetables, and complex carbs. My protein intake has dramatically increased, leading to a mindset alteration with what I had originally deemed "good" or "bad."

In the past, I would have chosen a bag of crackers over a snack of nuts due to caloric content. Now, I choose my foods based on the balance of calories, protein, and overall nutrition. The added factor of protein in my decision making has dramatically changed the choices I make and ends up leaving my body healthier, fuller, and more content. Calories are still relevant, but not nearly as much. This shift has been wonderful.

The amount I am eating each day has also increased, as I aim to eat every 2-3 hours, with a total of 6 meals per day. I try to never allow myself to go hungry, I eat within 30 minutes of rising, and I still snack up my favorite items, but with increased self control and moderation. 

My overall review of this lifestyle change is simple. My changes did not occur overnight and the addition of new foods, a different timetable, and vitamins were tricky at times. With that said, practice makes perfect. Each week has gotten easier and I have gotten better at incorporating my 6 meals into my work and life schedule. It isn't difficult - the adjustment just takes time.   


RESULTS ARE IN..... and pictures are on their way. Drumroll please.....

Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 145
BMI: 18.4
Pounds of lean muscle: 114

This is exactly what I want and I am so thrilled the ball is rolling. My weight is exactly the same, my BMI dropped almost 2%, and my pounds of lean muscle increased. 

Here's to celebrating that 2%. 

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