Friday, May 25, 2012

28 + 29.

Day 28 and 29 of my 30 day challenge.

Day 28. Not going to lie. Kind of weaseled my way through the day. With a date night with Matt to look forward to post work, I didn't feel like sweating much when my shift ended.

Fortunately, I was on my feet all day and walked the neighborhood after leaving the store. I'm trying hard to push through to the finish, but lost a little steam today.

Day 29. Although I still woke up feeling a little sluggish today - I knew that I would disappoint myself if i didn't push through the tired and get my heart beating and body sweating. So, instead of waiting, I immediately rolled out of bed, put my crazy hair into a ponytail, grabbed my running shoes, and went for a run.  Using the treadmill in house today was good compromise. 

After only being awake for an hour, my workout was complete, I was thoroughly drenched, and my next mission was taking my hungry self to lunch. Not bad. 

Tomorrow is already day 30. I have the day off of work, friends in town, and a clear schedule. Need to end this off with a bang.


  1. So how did day 30 end? hope the whole thing was everything you wanted.

  2. Day 28: A loooong walk to stretch out my legs after all the hiking. Then some afternoon tennis

  3. Day 29: Ashtanga! A super informative class - I learned a lot about better backbends!
