Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Week 1

Let's get to the nitty gritty. 

I have my first week numbers. Not big changes by any means, but something to note and be proud of.

While I will not be doing this every week- I'll give my body more time to go through this process- I couldn't help checking my progression after the first 7 days!!

Here is what I began with:

Weight: 145
BMI: 20
Pounds of lean muscle: 112

Here is where I am now:

Weight: 143.8
BMI: 19.7
Pounds of lean muscle: 110
Metabolic Age: 12

These changes are minimal, but they are something I am proud of.
While it confused me that my pounds of lean muscle went down minimally, I realize that my body will fluctuate throughout this process as other things change and myriad numbers move up and down. 
Having the metabolism of a 12 year old is pretty crazy!! 

Here's to my next two weeks- I want to see that BMI go down, my weight remain the same, and the pounds of lean muscle go up.

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