Wednesday, April 18, 2012

the stairs

I have met some of the most interesting people at the Santa Monica stairs. 


I've had the most captivating and unexpected conversations with people I've literally just met as we climb up and down our loop. There is something therapeutic about blazing through those wooden steps and being within eyesight of the beach...seems to be a good space for these encounters to happen.

So- as always- I find myself in a random moment that implants this little nugget in my brain and eventually swings me on a different route. 

The day I met my current health and wellness mentor was funny- we literally bumped into one another as I made my way over to the steps. Something felt familiar and we were both-ridiculously-dressed in the exact same Lulu outfit. Typical. Conversation started, she mentioned health and wellness, I mentioned my public health degree, phone numbers were exchanged, and she went on her way. That was it. Literally lasted two minutes.

I definitely did not think anything of this at first. I stored away the phone number and kind of kept the little nugget in the back of my head. What she did for a living sounded amazing- but, instead of immediately jumping in, I let it all sit.

After 3 months of letting it sit, constantly wondering about the opportunity, trying to figure out what the heck it was that she did exactly, and thinking that I could be missing out on something radically different and fun- I sent her a text.

Happy I finally listened to the nagging voice in the back of my head. 

Turns out that my mentor works at a place called Active Nutrition in LA. She completely turns people's lives upside down, transforming their physical appearance, nutrition, mental well being, and general health. The company is paired with Herbalife.

While i went to open houses at the center, met the transformed people- from older adults, ex- professional athletes, and kids my age- and asked a million questions- my natural skepticism still got in my way. Anything other than traditional hard work, exercise, and "eating right" seemed the only way to go for me. 

So, here is my leap of faith. Amazing things are going on at this place- things that just don't seem possible. But if I met everyone in the flesh, heard their stories, and was able to get a grasp on the tangible things- then why not believe in the process? What do i have to lose?

Stepping outside of the box means that I'm going to be open to the process, revamp my nutrition, try everything I can, pick as many brains as possible, and see if my body is receptive. I would definitely regret not trying. You can't hope for change or improvement if you don't go for something new. 

Excited to see where this takes me. 

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