Monday, September 17, 2012


Day 2 tidbits.

Today was solid (as Matt would say).

Began the morning with breakfast at one of my favorite places, Huckleberry. My company was good (sister), my food was incredible (toast with gruyere, arugula, fried eggs, and bacon), and the man I practically bumped in to while waiting in line to order was pretty unforgettable (Harry Goldenblatt from Sex and the City.)


To say the least, Clare and I were excited.

Even more so when we, umm.. accidentally... bumped into him AGAIN in the parking lot on the way out.

This fun celeb sighting reminds me of the absurd one I had yesterday on my run.

While Clare and I were running down San Vicente, I practically stopped dead in my tracks at a familiar voice coming from a sidewalk eatery as were zooming past.

I need to put this all in perspective- because it was just too perfectly ridiculous.

None other is Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Govenator himself, looking like the hulk and sitting outside eating his lunch... while a giant, gawky "Star Tours" bus drives by, packed with tourists, who are paying more attention to Clare and I (hopefully thinking we are cool people) and completely missing the only somewhat famous thing they are probably going to see in their entire 6 hour bus ride.


Sad for them. Hilarious for us.

Celeb sightings aside, I was proud of myself for getting a sweat in twice today. First consisted of a 4 mile walk with Lucas, who practically peed on every single thing in sight and had to have a chicken bone pried out of his mouth...typical.

Second was a tough class at my favorite gym, Velocity. I was pouring sweat and exhausted after multiple sets of pushups, sprints, crab walks, and bear crawls that lasted forever.. they always leave my hands completely messed up after our session is over. They look absurd for days- my healing time is oddly slow. Despite tomato hands, I always love going.

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