day 6 of my 30 day challenge.
Today will be short and sweet.
Long bike ride to- but, of course- the Santa Monica Stairs. 10 flights up and down.
Ran the first flight each time. Left me heaving at the summit.
Then, a sprint up the brutal hill that connects the top and bottom with my new Active Nutrition friend that coincidentally bumps into me every workout.
Concluded with the - much more difficult- ride back to Brentwood, a trip to $5 salad bar wednesdays at Whole Foods with Maddie, and a shake.
Sun burned shoulders. Lots of freckles. Tired legs.
How did you sweat today!?
Today was the last day of classes!! My fiancé surprised me by packing up my five fingers and hat to mert me for an afternoon hike in the flatirons. It is soooo warm and beautiful today. I think i might get a few new freckles myself :)