Day 16 of my 30 day challenge.
I couldn't help but smile when I showed up to work today. Madi, who endured the Velocity training session with me on thursday, could barely move. We made eye contact, pointed to our backs, and burst out laughing. We were like little old grannies hobbling around the store.
Glad I'm not the only one who woke up feeling like a 90 year old.
And, speaking of grannies, I attended a milestone birthday party tonight. My great aunt, who is truly like a grandmother to me, is 90 years old today. While she's fragile and more unaware of what's going on around her now, she still manages to entertain a spunk, tenacity, and vigor for life that's hard to come any age.
It got me thinking about the overwhelming bigger picture.
When I am 90, sitting in a wheelchair, hair grey, mind possible foggy, and blowing out my birthday candles - what will my "party room" look like around me?
Who's there? How many people? Friends? Just Family? What do my guests signify?
It's a reality check to dive into the future and witness the aging of someone you love. We, twentysomethings, rarely go to this place. We, instead, feel invincible and protected against deterioration. Time is on our side and the ripples that stem from our actions only protrude so far. Winding up the clock, jumping forward, and imagining your "party room" just, simply, feel too soon.
Occasionally, I chose to feel uncomfortable and imagine this time.
A time that, honestly, feels like it will never come to fruition. I picture the life I want, which hearts I would choose to beat around mine, how my time would be spent, and what would truly matter at the close. Thinking about my "party room" helps me create priority in the present.
While most of my life as a twentysomething is a rambling, uncharted course - daily reminders of simple priorities help me pave my way.
I invest in certain people and handpick my closest confidants. I weed out the negative. Simple pleasures mean the most. I try, as hard as I can, to be in the moment. I remind myself that the people around me- not my job or things- are what brings greatest and forever. I smile. I run. I take baby steps. I choose to be ok with where I am now.
These ideals that checker my twenysomething self and ebb and flow throughout my life will keep me on course. Pick what matters most and imagine where it will take you at your close.
Hopefully, I will have a pretty damn good "party room" at mine.
Lastly, day 16 consisted of a Pure Barre class.
Day 16: ashtanga inspired vinyasa class. We tried some interesting and challenging asanas, like hopping around in chatarunga and a new arm balance. Lots to play with at home!