Saturday, September 15, 2012

Back for More.

Two months?

My blog hiatus needs to come to an end.

Something about blogging became like homework. Instead of pushing myself to keep it going, I decided to listen to myself and let it go. It wasn't a college paper. Why the pressure? It was for fun.

But, over the last two months, I found myself missing the simple pleasures of delving a tiny bit deeper into the things I was doing. Taking pictures, actively writing down thoughts, finding artsy ways to document daily activities... Turns out, blogging was not just a new hobby, but an outlet.

And here I am.

Heavier than I was two months ago, feeling physically strong, mentally- a little worn out-, and on a roller coaster of life change.

Instead of catching up, I'll just keep it going.

PS: getting surprise comments from all of YOU was what I missed the most.

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