Monday, April 23, 2012

Beach Bootcamp-300 Deep


I think I collapsed face first into the sand at the Santa Monica beach about 5 times yesterday because my arms and legs gave out. 

And you know what? I LOVED it. 

And you know what also? I'm not in as good of shape as I thought. This, I keep telling myself, is actually a good thing. I see my room to grow, get stronger, and work those hidden little areas that keep burning every single time I move today.

I arrived on the Santa Monica beach at 8:30am. It's funny how the beach is only 3 miles from where I live and literally offers an entire new arena of sights, sounds, smells, and obstacles for working out. As the 300 bootcamp participants trickled in along with the thick morning fog, I realized, "Why haven't I taken advantage of this before?" 

The beach bootcamp hosted by Active Nutrition started off with a bang. After almost getting hit in the face about 27 times in the biggest game of dodgeball I have ever seen in my life, we began running in the sand. I could only laugh at myself when I barely made it around two towers and back while my calves and legs shook from the new terrain. I definitely began the morning with the notion that- of all things we are going to do today- i've got running in the BAG. 


An hour and a half later, I was sweaty, sandy, and happy. It was only 10 in the morning-when I usually would be rolling out of bed on a sunday- and I felt like I had already accomplished a big feat. 

In a nutshell, the morning was amazing. Free workout. Lots of enthusiasm. 300 people. Continuous smiles and high fives. And about 70 other people, like me, face planting in the sand. Pretty ridiculously fun.

Come watch me face plant next week on the sand. Who's in?! 

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